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Nadine dives in with Members Advisors Ian and Barbar to discuss The VAA’s Articles, guides and templates.


Public Relations (PR) Essential Overview & Tips for Artists

Public Relations (PR) Essential Overview & Tips for Artists

Some artists are successful in achieving more than their fair share of fame. When mentoring artists, they often confide that they find the basics of PR a mystery, or somewhat confusing to say the least. This article will explain the basics of PR and tips you can use to increase your media exposure. The use of PR is not a new concept in the art world and can be traced back to the years following World War 1. For example, artists Jackson Pollock and Jacob Epstein acknowledge that their careers skyrocketed after receiving significant PR from working with the same public relations art agent, Eleanor Lambert. Equally the success of some of today’s richest artists such as David Hockney, Sean Scully and Damien Hirst can be attributed to exceptional PR.
Selling Your Art to Interior Designers

Selling Your Art to Interior Designers

Interior Designers work with their clients to develop and create aesthetic and appealing spaces. The portfolio of clients that they work with can range from homeowners to small scale and large scale businesses. To have an interior designer or multiple designers select your work for their designs, is a profitable and great avenue to promoting yourself and artwork. The guide in this article explains how to get yourself noticed and involved in the world of interior design.


Selling Your Art to Corporates/Businesses

Selling Your Art to Corporates/Businesses

Accessing corporations to sell your artwork to can be a great route to increasing revenue and marketing yourself. From dentists to large scale companies, you will rarely find an office or work space that does not have art on the wall. The question is how to make contact and place yourself in front of these businesses to seal a partnership.
A Beginners Guide To Shopify

A Beginners Guide To Shopify

Shopify is an online platform that enables you as a seller to create and manage your own business. Shopify allows you to edit your own online shop where you can sell your products from. With online shopping becoming increasingly popular, sites like Shopify are ideal for building your brand and image and for making sales. Below you will find a guide on the initial setting up of Shopify.


Selling Your Artwork On Etsy

Selling Your Artwork On Etsy

Etsy is a popular and unique marketplace for creators to sell and market their products, from handmade gifts to ...
A Guide To Printing Limited Editions

A Guide To Printing Limited Editions

Have you considered creating limited edition prints of your work? This method is a great tool for providing an alternative to purchasing originals. Furthermore it increases your stock whilst also creating a demand, as they are ‘limited’. Limited edition prints are when you produce a select number of prints, for example 30; they are then ‘limited’ because once sold they will not be available anymore. Here you’ll find a guide on tips for producing limited editions.


How To Organise Your Studio Space

How To Organise Your Studio Space

Your studio is a space where you can create, focus and enjoy the practice of art. If the space that surrounds you is disorganised, unclean and visually unstimulating, this can create a negative effect. By creating an organised environment this will inspire the mind. If art materials are placed where you can draw upon them when needed, this will then give you more time to be creative instead of actively trying to find the materials in the first place. The following hints and tips will help you sort your studio into a hub of creativity.

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