Are you new to our organisation and want to know more about what we do?

The Visual Artists Association plays an important role in our Artist’ careers. We offer ways for our members to improve their art careers, increase sales, and build a thriving business.

Here at the VAA, we aim to stand out from the crowd and build a loyal bond with our members. If you have any questions about what we do, how we can help you, and what our current members think. Then look no further, here are just a few of the reasons why or members love the Visual Artists Association.


At the VAA we pride ourselves on the relationships we build with our members. Our members are able to relax and enjoy their careers knowing they have our support.

‘Knowing that the VAA team is there to offer valuable advice and support to artists, who can often feel as though they’re treading a lonely path, is fantastic! To have the VAA walking that path alongside me is so reassuring. They genuinely care and actively help, wanting artists to be successful and they work hard to make that happen. They’re very friendly, professional and easy to talk to. It’s a brilliant organisation!’

– VAA Member, Susie Hall

‘The best part about the VAA is how it feels very supportive like someone’s got your back!’ 

– VAA Member, Samantha Clarke

We take our support and dedication further than most organisations by offering a Strategy Session for our Premium Members. We have also introduced a new Mentorship Programme; find out more here.


We value the community we have built around our members. We have achieved this through our networking events and our VAA Artist Mastermind Facebook Group.

‘The VAA has been exceptionally helpful in many regards. First and foremost, I think I have really enjoyed being part of a group whose members have many of the same aims and aspirations as myself.

I have made several friends and it’s inspiring to hear about their successes and rewarding to be able to help and give advice where I can. There’s also a lot of sharing of opportunities and possibilities and great information for artists. My aim when joining was to find a strategy to move forward with my art business and that’s exactly what is continuing to happen for me with the help of the team at the VAA.’

– VAA Member, Simon Wright

Professional Advice

We have a team of industry professionals from various backgrounds constantly working on advice, content, and resources to make sure you have everything at your disposal to thrive.

‘The most helpful thing since I joined the VAA has been the access to vital information to guide me to the right direction. In the past, I could only move forward through trial and error; I had no formal guidance, only informal searching on the Internet and advice from friends. I had absolutely no confidence in what I did. After reading through the information provided, such as Artists’ Guide To Success, Writing An Art Proposal, and Art Market Industry Trends, I must admit that my confidence has increased, and I feel more certain about my journey ahead.’

 – VAA Member, Bryce Watanasoponwong

As well as access to articles our members have exclusive access to our Guides & Templates Page, which includes the Guide to Online Galleries, How to Write an Artist Bio, and a VAA endorsed Certificate of Authenticity. See our Guides and Templates page, here. Our members also have access to our Evolve Programme, tailored to help artists increase art sales. This can be found in our Video Diary.

Sales Advice

We are focused on giving our members advice and insight into the professional Art World. Our experience provides our members with all the knowledge necessary to improve their business and increase sales.

‘As an artist, I’ve blundered and fumbled my way through the art world; I’ve made mistakes, lost money, and made terrible business decisions. Then I found the Visual Artists Association. I cannot express how much help and support I’ve received. It really is a one-stop shop/community with access to everything you need to grow your art business.

If I can give other artists any advice it would be to join the VAA and take advantage of all their resources.’

– VAA Member, Tammy Walters

Find out more about our memberships here.

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