2023 Achievement 

Being a finalist in the Dubel Prize: Emerging Artist of the Year, and having my own solo show in a gallery in London.To trust the work. It’s easy to get pushed and pulled by seeing so many other artists work, good and bad, in such an incessant way online. I had to look at all my work when i was putting together this exhibition for the Dubel Prize and I was struck by how well it hung together and that my concerns sometimes about my work looking so different to what seems to be fashionable at the moment were a waste of time and it reconnected me in a really potent way with what I had produced this year.

2024 Goals 

To raise my profile with good galleries in London and find a supportive collaboration there, it’s always been important to me.My work is not about quick or easy sales, so I am interested in building a collector base and developing the work in partnership with a gallery. that can help me navigate the industry. Especially living outside London, this is important, as most of my buyers are based there.


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