In a recent poll, we discovered that over half of artists struggle to differentiate between artist bios, statements, and CVs. It is an industry-standard that artists should have a biography, statement, and cv prepared for any events or opportunities that may come your way. All three are important tools that should be properly utilised in your business and work in conversation with one another.

Your artist biography is primarily a summary of who you are as an artist. Where you studied, when you began your art career, your experience as an artist, and your career achievements. It is good practice for this to be written in the third person.

You will need an Artist Bio for:

  • Competitions
  • Gallery Submissions
  • Your Website
  • Your Sales Pitch
  • Press Releases
  • Events and Speaking Opportunities

Your artist statement, on the other hand, is used to communicate your artwork to the viewer. It should explain the inspiration behind your artwork, the medium you chose and why, the subject matter, and your relationship to the artwork.

You will need an Artist Statement for:

  • Every new project
  • Applying for funding/residencies/collaborations
  • Art Opportunitities
  • Exhibitions
  • Press
  • When selling your work

An artist CV is more concise than both a bio and a statement. Your CV is a brief and punchy timeline of all of your history, experience, achievements, press, projects, and exhibitions. This is one of the simplest tools in your artist’s tool kit, which is why it needs to be done right.

You will need a CV for:

  • Residencies
  • Events
  • Exhibitions
  • Professional Opportunities

To learn more about statements, bios, and CVs, head over to our Guides & Templates page and download our copy of The Artist’s Guide to Bios, Statements, and CVs.

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