
Neha Nandedkar – Wall of Success

2023 Achievement 

What is the most notable achievement in 2023?I have always been apprehensive of sharing my art and my thoughts with the world, and second guessed everything. I took a conscious decision of enrolling into an art school for a course and slowly learning, and gaining confidence. Pushing my boundaries to explore art professionally and sharing it with the world has been my most notable achievement in 2023.What valuable lesson did you learn in 2023?
‘Life is short, art long, opportunities fleeting, experience treacherous, Judgement difficult’ – Hippocrates (460-400BC).

Lesson learned from 2023

The biggest lesson I have learnt this year is to not look at my work with judgement or emotional expectations. My works, both past and current, serve as a guidebook of my strengths and my weaknesses, my working methods, and my habitual gestures. With each step of my way, I am learning to embrace my art and asking what it needs from me rather than what I need from it.

2024 Goals 

What aspiration would you like to set for 2024, and what is the driving force behind it?In the past year I have realised I have a voice that needs to be heard and seen. I aspire to continue to listen to that inner voice and pursue doing more art, and explore more artists’ works. The driving force behind it is to explore the world of art and create a strong footing for myself in it


Posted on

23 February 2024

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