
Loueen Morrison – Wall of Success

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2023 Achievement 

My most notable achievement in 2023 was to be taken on by a gallery. The picture is me with my paintings at Well House Gallery last summer. I am currently working on paintings for the Gallery’s next exhibition of my work in February 2024.

Lesson learned from 2023

My most valuable lesson in 2023 was discovering how to organise an exhibition. As Chair of Ongar Art Society, the organisation for the Summer Exhibition was my responsibility. I learned a lot about organising, publicising, how to determine the best display, hanging work, recording sales, organising stewards, working with the volunteers, delegating and so much more. I look forward to the 2024 Summer Exhibition and doing it all again – and better.

2024 Goals 

My Aspiration for 2024 is to keep developing my painting. I want to keep growing and enhancing my skills, ideas, subject and the story I want to tell through my work.


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