Alison Whateley – Wall of Success

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2023 Achievement 

My most notable achievement in 2023 was that my piece ‘Morning Haze’ was selected for the ING Discerning Eye exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London. It was my first time submitting a piece for consideration, and as a self-taught artist I didn’t think I stood a chance, so I was delighted when I found out my piece had actually been chosen. 

Lesson learned from 2023

My valuable lesson learnt this year is that I can’t do everything, and it’s ok to say no to things.

2024 Goals 

I have a few galleries that take my small pieces, but would like to secure representation for my larger artworks from an experience established gallery. Not only to promote my art, but also to raise the profile of textile art in general.


Posted on

16 May 2024

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