Sofia Karakatsanis – Wall of Success

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2023 Achievement 

I have two! Taking part in my first group exhibition during London Craft Week. Future icons selects was a showcase of over 70 artists and makers across tons of disciplines. It was amazing to be selected to show alongside so many talented people. I met a lot of new people and had great conversations. This leads to my second big achievement of the year- getting my first bespoke commission! Which was a direct result of the show. It has been wonderful to have the trust of someone to make them a piece in my own style. 

Lesson learned from 2023

That being a maker isn’t linear and to not get too caught up worrying that my career isn’t moving forward based on what I see on Instagram. Keep making work, keep learning and growing, this will lead to more work and more success!

2024 Goals 

My big goal for 2024 is to make new work, and really focus on experimenting and growing my practise. The driving force is that I would love to get gallery representation. Presenting work I am excited about is the way I think I can achieve this.



Posted on

13 May 2024

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