
Ramona Pintea – Wall of Success

2023 Achievement 

Greatest achievement this year is that I’ve been invited to give a few talks about my Urban Queen series of paintings and the global #wearyourcrown campaign that I launched last year. I normally receive a lot of feedback from my collectors about how the paintings inspire, and elevate them. Now I discovered that speaking about the message behind my art adds another level of connection with my audience and that I really enjoy giving these talks. I have a couple of talks already scheduled for early next year.

2024 Goals 

I can see from the past 3 years that my Urban Queen series of portraits has the potential to get women to believe in themselves, to be a source of inspiration and courage. For next year I want to be able to bring this message to more women globally, to create more and make a positive difference in the world though my art.


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4 March 2024

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