
Maria Potempski – Wall of Success

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2023 Achievement 

My notable achievement in 2023 was committing to the long held dream of becoming a practising artist. Taking the concept seriously, putting in the hours, and working with critical friends enabled me to produce a body of work. That work secured a local exhibition for me in Leicester, which also successfully sold a few paintings.

2024 Goals 

As for aspirations I’d really like to be accepted for a few open exhibitions and to that end I’ve started my research to find appropriate possibilities for my work. I’m already accepted for an East Midland society which will happen later in the summer of 2024 but I’d also like to cast the net further afield. The driving force for that is simply personal development and improvement, finding the right tribe and having a benchmark to help me appreciate how my work might develop and become recognised.


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13 May 2024

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