
Karen Glykys – Wall of Success

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2023 Achievement 

Well I have had a year of bad health, culminating in my being diagnosed with PTSD.Although I could not paint and had little interest in things, and was not pushing sales, or media exposure and only exhibited in the summer.I did however continue to produce my SmartPhone Art and upkeep my instagram and photography platforms.I was long listed for this years VAA Open, of which I am very proud as the competition was fierce.

2024 Goals 

I have two major goals,One is to publish my PhoneArt photography book, of which I have a draft printed, and accompany this with a solo show in London, where the images, along with the book, will be available for sale.The driving force for this is the crowdfunding workshops with the VAA, and supporting info, which has been invaluable.I will be approaching a platform and setting up my crowdfunding in the New Year for this project.And approaching The Photograhers Gallery and Espacio etc about space. I will also look at Pop Up Galleries in good london pitches.The other goal is to licence my images.My photographic work is well received, as are my paintings.


Posted on

14 May 2024

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