
Five Minutes with Yulia Allan

Yulia talks motivations, the emotions of nature, and the luxury of art.

Yulia Allan is a modern contemporary landscape painting, who draws her inspiration from the Scottish landscape. Her work has been featured in many Art Fairs across the country.

Firstly, could you talk us through your practice?

I paint landscapes and seascapes, I primarily work in oils. I choose to paint landscapes as I’m fascinated by natural shades, contrasts, and textures.

In my paintings I am to reflect my own mood and combine it with the mood nature has presented for me. Every painting is unique for me. I put my soul and passion into every piece of work. I never know where my imagination and nature’s inspiration will take me next.

Do you have a particular sale that stays with you?

The most memorable sales happened around nine years ago. I had my paintings displayed in the shop window of one of the Edinburgh coffee shops. I received a bold message from a man asking if he could get a discount if he bought five or six of my paintings.

At first I wasn’t sure, I thought it was a silly joke. I ended up selling six paintings that day!

And, yes, he got the discount!

The best part about all my sales, and the role of an artist in general, is the feedback from my clients. I had a few very emotional moments reading my clients emails saying what my paintings mean to them. When I exhibit my work and talk to people, I get to see their reactions to my work, I get to hear their comments. I want to paint, this is what motivates me!

What advice would you give to other artists?

You need to have a tough skin. People don’t need art, they want it.

That makes spending money on a painting a sort of luxury. It’s not bread or milk, nobody is going to queue to buy it. As an artist you need to flexible. Recently it had been quiet due to Covid. I sell mostly through art galleries and of course they’ve been closed. 







































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