
Five Minutes with Samantha Messias

Samantha discusses how Art has helped her overcome trauma and inspires her to admire the small details of life.

Samantha fell in love with hyperrealism after graduating from a Fashion Degree. Samantha prides herself on her determination and perseverance, this is how she has developed an incredibly inspiring practice.

What drives you to create art?

For as long as I’ve lived I have always had a keen eye for observing details all around me, looking beyond the whole and seeing things in tiny intricate parts. It’s fascinating to me, but my traumatic childhood has been the catalyst for my artistic nature and inspires me never to give up just because of what has happened in the past. As a child I went through a period when I was 5 where I did not speak and was introduced to use art to express myself. Art became my therapy and the past is history. I found hyperrealism back in 2013 and fell in love with the discipline of enhancing microscopic details in my work, my love and dedication continues to grow and with it so does my soul, to share my work, give hope to others through my story and heal in the process.


 ‘Art became my therapy’


What is the process of creating hyper-realistic artwork?

If it inspires me or resonates with me on a deep level then I love to draw it. People and animals are my favourite.
I find myself studying my reference photo material for hours, really observing all the tiny details that make the whole and how I can add more life to the piece, I also with every subject I draw, research and educate myself more about the person or animal so I build a deeper connection and understanding which allows me to fully immerse myself into the work and enjoy it even more.
I make sure to take regular breaks as the style of my work ‘Hyperrealism’ is very meticulous and requires so much patience and discipline, the best bit is standing afar once finished and seeing all those tiny details become a clear image.
Is there a particular art sale that has stayed with you? 
My most memorable and favourite art sale was a commission drawing for a very wonderful and wealthy couple up in Macclesfield when I first started out as a professional artist in my first Gallery Ascot Studios. It was memorable because it was my largest drawing to date measuring in at 35.5 x 23.5 inches and took months to complete. It was a drawing of their beautiful Labrador dog which can be found in my gallery on my website. It was my favourite because not only did it challenge me and allow me to draw on a large scale but it was also my biggest sale for a single artwork selling for £6000 and I felt so incredibly grateful, blessed, and proud.
What piece of advice would you give an artist starting their career?
If you’re serious about becoming an Artist, then I have 3 pieces of advice
1. Never give up despite the setbacks the rejections the difficult times. Take breaks by all means but never give up on your passion and love for creating art.
2. Practice and consistency are so important in any line of work, that’s how we get better by practicing consistently every day on something we enjoy and wish to improve on.
3.Share your creations, use the benefit of free social media to advertise your art as I know it’s helped me. Enter open exhibitions, competitions, and don’t be afraid to seek out gallery representation. It’s great creating all this work but if no one can see it, then what’s the point, so share to your heart’s content.
What is the most rewarding part of being an artist?
Finding inspiration in the most unlikely of places, which leads to creating my artworks would be one rewarding part of being an Artist.
I also feel rewarded by bringing awe, inspiration, and joy to the hearts and minds of all that see my artwork up close and personal. I love watching people’s faces when they realise the works are pencil drawings, not photographs, that moment is priceless, like a child watching a magic show for the first time. I also love doing commission drawings, which the response from others is a very heart warming and emotional one, and this gives me great joy to capture such a memorable part of their lives on paper, something they can cherish forever. Lastly, it’s a wonderful feeling to find those who invest in my artwork whether it be an art collector, gallery, buyer, or just a person looking for a special gift it’s my career and how I make a living so that is going to be at the back of my mind.




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