Kira Phoenix Kinan Opal Green Glass

Sally Kirk

Gallery Room 5 – Curators Choice 

My work is usually about the landscape around me. I record with sketches and photographs and then I re-make what I remember. So it is more my memory of a landscape. I search out interesting motifs, shapes, colours, patterns and I recombine them into a new possibility. Fragments of memory. I like to over-lay, distort, re-invent, but reality is usually the starting point.

W: www.sallykirk.co.uk

I: salkirkart

E: mail@sallykirk.co.uk

The Sound of the Wind | £495 | 51 x51 cms, canvas depth – 4cm. (20 x 20in) | Acrylic paints on stretched canvas. Unframed. Canvas has painted sides.

Winter on Dartmoor. Light is dimming. The stone circle is highlighted by snow and the paths of feet. Original artwork by Sally Kirk, who lives and works on Dartmoor.


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