
Russell Alderton

Gallery Room 3 – Over £2000

Artist. Electronic musician. Tea aficionado.

W: https://www.russellalderton.com

I: russell_alderton

Open Resonant Filter/Wavetable (studies in hallucination 4) | £7200 | 244 x 122 cm (triptych, each 81x122cm) | Acrylic, pigment ink on archival paper on wooden boards

Combining another creative outlet, that of music making with synthesisers, visualising what the mind’s eye sees deep in this auditory trance-state while generating this most colourful of the music forms. I use this as a pop culture reference, and in doing that, I also looked back to the pop art I liked in my youth to direct the composition. This is my lichtenstein’s ‘Whaam!’


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