Muladhara I Roots

Rajul Shah

Gallery Room 1 – Under £500

I am an international artist whose work is inspired by the desire to find calm and spiritual peace in the world. Having spent many years in healthcare, I have witnessed strong connections between emotional and physical well-being and believes in the importance of sharing positive energy. I create escapes from the hectic pace of life to offer a calming meditative experience

W: www.rajulshahart.com

I: @rajul_shah_art

Muladhara I Roots | £discuss with artist | 80 x 120cm | Acrylic & 23kt Gold Leaf on Canvas

Red is the color of the Muladhara Chakra (the Root Chakra) The affirmation is “I am”. Our roots are the foundation of our identity and our life. The COVID pandemic inspired the artist to start searching “within” – to explore the energy centers/Chakras to restore balance and contentment.

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