Moich Abrahams
Gallery Room 3 – Over £2000
Born in Hitchin , Hertfordshire, Moich grew up in nearby Letchworth First Garden City and attended Letchworth Grammar School, receiving both the school Art and Mathematics prizes. Among significant experiences in his early formative years, he developed a friendship with the local rabbi, Rabbi David Solomon Sassoon, an eminent figure among Sephardi Jews worldwide. Over the years, Moich enjoyed friendships with such eminent artists and colourful individuals as Ken Kiff, George Melly, John Bellany, Anthony Green, among others. His enthusiasm for the work of, for example, Chagall, Picasso and Miro, plus an abiding interest in “Outsider Art” (Art Brut), inspired him to be the individual independent minded artist he is today.
W: https://www.moichabrahams.com
Figure in red | Shown at Bankside Gallery (2006) and again Deutsche Bank (2008)both with the London Group.
A celebration of painterly creativity reminiscing mythical, ancient and contemporary visions of ‘being’ and ‘I Am’ ness. Here, the all pervasive red is brimming with the non- dual ‘vitality and life’.