
Michele Noble

Gallery Room 1 – Under £500

A professional artist making mixed media art since 1993. I have shown in numerous exhibitions both group and solo from 1972 to the present. My first art training was at The Bath Academy of Art 1961 – 1964, postgraduate studies in Enamelling at Central School, was awarded an MA in Art and Design in 1995 from the University of Hull. I am at present studying online with the Praxis Center for Aesthetic Studies in America. My present work is exploring Wasi Sabi, the Japanese art of impermanence, finding beauty in things that are in realit

W: https://www.artconnect.com/profile/michele-noble

Chaos Theory | £465 | 49 x 49 cm | Collage, found materials, soft pastel, acrylic paint, graphite


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