
Jason Cunliffe

Gallery Room 1 – Under £500

I have always been doodling since I have been able to pick up a pencil, nothing too serious at first, cartoons, matchstick men etc. It was the year 2001 when my father in law showed me a “how to create a pastel portrait video”, that was it, from that day I was hooked. Converted a small space in the loft into small art studio and here I am to this day still enjoying pottering around up there. Hope you like my selection of work I have put up on the web and hopefully help create some inspiration. 

W: http://www.jaysportraits.co.uk

Woodpecker | £150 | 32x13cm | acrylic on reclaimed pallet wood

Painted on natural wood with one half sanded and the other half left rough to give the appearance of the side of a tree.

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