
Hannah Thomas

Gallery Room 2 – Over £500-£2000

Her work explores ideas of Absurdism and the chaotic interplay of elements that form a life, the frictions and confusions that constitute experience. Hannah’s process is a gradual building of layers of activity, her desire to create a sense of complexity and ambiguity within the boundaries of the painting; pockets of resistance that serve to obfuscate and remain unresolved.

Ultimately the work is about truth, the beauty found in the chaotic and unfinished, in the interrupted and the constantly shifting. That is the reality of life and is the reality of her work.

W: https://www.hannahthomas.net/

I: @hannahthomasstudio

THE BLOODY CHAMBER | £1000 | 168 (H) x 122 (w) cm | Acrylic & Emulsion on canvas

Created October 2020. This work is part of a new project continuing my themes of chaos and the tyranny of mortality. This work in particular involved a lot of paring down of the blacks to ensure they were transparent and that the activity beneath the surface could be glimpsed.


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