Hayam Elsayed

Garry Scott Wheeler

Gallery Room 4 – Over £500-£2000

The heart and soul of my paintings emanates from vividly seeing colors and shapes in my daily life. I have been passionate about abstract art since I was a child. Most of my paintings attempt to capture a dream that I have had at some point in my past. Music plays a key role in conjuring up day dreams, which many times I even have a hard time understanding. Somehow, between my head, heart and hand, I reproduce these dreams on canvas for others to interpret with me.

W: https://www.gswheeler.com/

I: @garry.wheeler

Happy Place £600 | 76 X 76 cm  | Acrylic on stretched canvas. High gloss finish, black edges

“Happy Place” defines the mood I was in when I painted this piece. It also relates to a dream that I had a few days before. In my dream, I saw many shapes, colors and animals. When I awoke from my slumber, I felt invigorated and alive. A very nice way to start the day. This piece conjures up joy from every angle.


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