Emma Archer
Gallery Room 2 – Over £500-£2000
I am making visual records of the world around me, attempting to capture a hint of the sounds, textures and colours, evoke a sensation, vibration or thought. I am not trying to directly replicate nature. I often start with a floral branch and then work from that over disjointed periods of time. Inevitably the flowers have usually dried, the colours, lines and mark making become more instinctive.
I: emmaarcher20
Cytisus Scoparius 1, August 2020 | £680 | 120x53cm | Watercolour, spray paint & pen on Fabriano acid free smooth 200gm paper
Reflection of the robust, vigour in the summer broom, oozing colour, bombastic in its popping projections of pollen, explosions of golden cadmium corollas & sweet vanilla scents. Curious about the connections between the peaceful, freeing space of creativity and how to sit in that more & more within the day to day, accessing that beauty as a more general state of being. The last few months I have listened to more healing, uplifting podcasts and readings, there is much to be found in accessing freedom, from ourselves for the most part but also from the archaic systems & conditioning, tapping in to more awareness. Similar to the space found when drawing or painting, a subtle consciousness where there is no room for criticism, fear, deliberation, mind noise, duality or hesitation.