Julie Passing Storm
Julie Passing Storm
Julie Passing Storm

Caroline Walsh-Waring

Gallery Room 5 – Curators Choice 

Based in Somerset surrealist painter, Caroline Walsh-Waring has developed her unique, quirky, style over many years since leaving Art School and furthering her training in London.  She is inspired by shapes and images in the landscape, how they relate to life experiences and emotions from growing up in Norfolk, working in London, living offshore and raising a family. She celebrates our wonderful landscape and hopes her work will inspire us all to help preserve it.

W: https://www.carolinewalsh-waring.com/

I: @carolineww_art

Journey  | £1000 | 90 x 70 cm | Oil on canvas

The journey through life is full of wonder, trial, joy and many pathways with our goals often changing.

Walking to the Village Green | £700 | 30 x 20 cm | Oil on Canvas

Inspired by raindrops on flowers after the rain as I painted the   petals the felt like pathways for all the tiny creatures we hardly ever see.

To the Tower | £650 | 50 x 40 cm | Oil on Canvas

We go through the pathways of life to an eventual goal and yet none of us really knows where we will end, will it be good or bad, is our eventual destination something ominous?


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