Alice Cescatti
Gallery Room 3 – Over £2000
Although living in a very urban environment Cescatti has instinctively gravitated towards locations for painting which combine a sense of wilderness with intense light and colour for example the coastal areas around Southern England and Norfolk. She has also found inspiration in the landscapes of Flanders and the South of France. It is clearly reflected in Cescatti’s work that she has a strong connection to the nobility of the Ocean which had a strong presence in her formative years and subsequently holds a strong presence in her painting. She reveals her awareness of it’s increasing fragility in her works such as Ocean Wound, Underwater Bloom and Ocean Mourning Flower.
Water Dance | £4200 | 100 x 100cms 39.37 x 39.37 inches | Water Gilded Painting in Silver Leaf on Wood Panel
Abstract Seascape