
VAA Professional Artist Award 2023, Finalist Show 

A Virtual Exhibition, accessible from the comfort of your own home.

Visit the Exhibition


The Professional Artist Award 2023 is taking place online this year.

All finalists artists of the Professional Artist Award 2023 will be exhibiting virtually.

If you are interested in a piece, contact us at hello@visual-artists.org where our team will be happy to help.

2992 | JulioCesartist

Man And Best Friend | 100x100cm | Acrylic on Canvas

3104 | SaeRi Seo

Crooked Good Child | 15x15x18(cm) | Porcelain

What is the VAA Professional Artist Award?


The Visual Artist Association developed the VAA Professional Artist Award with working artists in mind.

Artists often struggle to gain visibility and momentum in their careers, despite their skills and dedication. We created the VAA Professional Artist Award with the intention of supporting and displaying the work of our members.

The winner of the Professional Artist Award receives £1000 cash, art supplies, 121 coaching session on Artists’ Guide to Success, 1 x Momentum Programme to accelerate your career, a 12-month Mentorship Programme, and a lifetime membership to the VAA.

This year the award has been renamed to the VAA Artist of the Year Awards! We know that with the right support and resources, any artist can be a professional artist.

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